Where do you want more Peace in your Life?
Peace with Family • Peace with Self • Peace in Relationships Peace with Food • Peace with Money • Peace with Time
Peace with Work • Peace with Purpose • Peace with Addictions
Peace with Body Image • Peace with Tolerance
Peace with Judgement • Peace with Culture • Peace with Gender
Peace with Oppression • Peace with Health • Peace with Change Peace with Education • Peace with Behavior
Peace with Acceptance • Peace with Resistance...
Anything you want to respond or relate to in a better way than you are currently experiencing can be restored with peace.
We left 2019 better
than we found It.
Look out 2020...
In 100 Days, you can accomplish a lot. This is a program that sees your strengths, invites your peace and moves away from the problems into the solutions. This is a program for people who really want a change and are willing to see a greater part of themselves. There are no wounds here to heal, only directions that appeal to our inner peace, wisdom and honesty with ourselves. So if you are looking for something different, want to engage with others, and know you are capable and just want to realize more abilities... Join us!
100 Days of Peace Project
Building Inner Peace Possibilities
Using the United Nations Peace Day Theme of Togetherness, the project champions Respect, Safety and Dignity for all and uses four main components in taking your plan for peace and putting it into action so that as the year ends, you have championed a better part of yourself while you have contributed to the well being of the world in simple, small and significant ways.

Peace begins with You You are Capable Communicate to Relate Community Collaborates
It's Fun
Designed by a Master of Games, Leadership and Laughter, this program is designed to challenge, champion and cheer you on with innovative inspirations. Life is meant to be enjoyable and when we can champion our own good sense and have fun in the process, the learning takes on a whole new dimension.
It's a Challenge
When it is easy, we aren't learning at the same level as when it is a challenge. We have only to consider how challenging we can make things out to be and how stressful they become, to know that this kind of challenge champions our success, freedom and inner peace that we will love being a part of.
It Champions
This project calls forth the better part of yourself to engage in something better than you have been doing and knows you are capable of doing it. It reminds and asks you to engage in what you really want and not in what you are comfortable with that doesn't serve you at all. Peace is formidable and feels so good.

your Plan for Peace
Our Process includes
Making a Plan for Peace that answers where we want more of.
Weekly Experiences in Conference - online/phone connections
Collaborative team cooperations and support during week
Activities to engage daily
The Peace Project
Join our group and build potential with peace for yourself as you build it for others. Join a community of people like yourself who want something better and want to give peace a chance. Leave this year better off than you came as you dedicate the last of the year to be the best of your year. Our simple weekly engagement works with collaboration and consensus in mind, works independently and connectively to achieve your individual peace plan and while it does, it also builds peace outside of yourself in a community focus. Learn the skills of Compassion, Kindness and Radical Forgiveness as we utilize the UN's 2017 theme of Togetherness. Stress has a magical way of disappearing as we engage with light hearted living techniques that redirect and focus on creating more wonder in the last half of the year.
(min 6 per group)
100 Days • 12 Weekly Experiences
Fee $49 per Experience
Weekly Connection will be mutually Decided by Participants with a Morning and Evening Option.
Next Group Kick Off Activity...
June 20, 2020
for June September 2020
For Additional Assistance
4 Personal Sessions and 12 Group Experiences
For those who want personal guidance to get started.Take on the first four weekly sessions independent and private at a separate time for more support and planning. Continue with the group for the 12 Weeks applying what you have learned and using the support of our global group to stay on task and complete your peace mission
100 Days
4 Personal weekly sessions
12 Group Experiences
Fee $69 per Experience

Personal Peace Guidance
For those who wish 12 weeks or more of personal guidance, it can be made available in one hour weekly sessions. You can play with our project as well with these sessions or use them independently. Moving from conditioned responses to freedom, we will untangle the web and appreciate the purpose and possibilities of what you were meant to be. Being you will become amusing and intriguing. Enjoy the insights, clarity and playful nature that will bring out more than ever before. Use this last 100 days to make a meaningful and merrier difference in your life and leave 2017 more resilient!
100 Days
12 Weekly Experiences
Fee: $99 per Experience