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 Simple Play teaches us how to Become More

January 1-31

Play Daily • Weekly Call  
 8pm CST

NOTE: You will receive the Be to Become Playbook as an 
E-Book via email within 24 hours of your registration with a welcome email. Your first email of support will begin on January 1st and continue each week. Our calls will be held on Mondays at 8 pm CST. Details of the call will be sent in the welcome email. 

9pm EST • 8pm CST • 7pm CST • 6pm CST • 5pm AST
Time Converter

Play with simplicity and ease to Become

People willing to play with their potential are the world's greatest global asset


Be open •  Be Willing  • Be Ready

Then notice what you BEcome

We always Play for Peace 
Our games create a change in you and then a change in the world.

We also Play to Build Your Potential
 All the games designed by Lynda Tourloukis incorporate a playful look at leadership, life development, laughter and fun with a capital F! 
Explore • Expand • Evolve


•Made simple and easy
•Learn the art of play
•Become more of yourself daily
•Explore, develop and create
Begin 2020 with Play

Learn how play can help you to become better in everything you do. Join this simple, easy and fun introduction of play to learn a powerful message about whom you can become. It's a great way to begin a new year!


Only 31 Days to grow a concept 

New beginnings warrant new ideas, don't let the simplicity of play fool you, it is a powerful tool in creating perspective. Be to Become takes a simple idea and allows you to let go of the struggle to do things by learning the truth about how easy a shift in perspective can become and how significant it can be when you play with it. 


Life gets complicated and that adds stress. People who have played with us say they spend hundreds and thousands of dollars and lots of time in other programs and find that this simple little aspect of play has taught them more. Why complicate? why struggle? Play is fun and effective! Find out for just one month.



How to play...
1. Register and Receive the Ebook & Outline
2. Play with an idea daily & record findings

3. Receive a weekly concept email

4. Join the weekly discussion & guidance call



1. Register & Receive


Receive your materials for the play that begins January 1st and continues through January 31st. 

Like any game or activity, you have to participate to get something out of it. Register and you will receive your eBook for play and instruction outline. BONUS OPPORTUNITY.... be the beneficiary of wisdom and guidance by the inventor and pay only for the eBook. The game is in BETA testing and you receive the benefit of the program, eBook and guided facilitation for the cost of the eBook only! SAVE!




2. Play daily and keep it simple


Each day the book guides the play with an idea and contains space to record your thoughts or expression of what you have become 

Each week the game continues with a daily idea and a nightly recap. Make it all fit your schedule and time allotment. Use the simple suggestions and find how much more you begin to play with ideas and become the very thing you set out to be!



3. Weekly emails deliver support & resource

For further support, a weekly email will arrive in your inbox to keep the game alive as you play independently.

The email comes from the inventor who has broken down simple ways to shift perspective and encourage your commitment to your self-discovery. It taps into your ability to play and contains ideas to keep you inspired and active to receive the benefits of the play and game creation.  What you do with play can create a pattern of development that you can continue to use to create more success in all you do!




4. Join the Weekly discussion on Mondays


Get more out of the experience by joining the group discussion call, discover different viewpoints and receive more support

Join the call to hear evidence of how others are receiving the concept and find innovation in the variety. Receive support and resource ideas from the inventor and use it for accountability in continuing your commitment to explore and realize the greater benefits from playing all month long. 

Offered Annually to Kickstart Your Year

In Life we are constantly evolving, be to become is an eternal message

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