International Peace Week

September 21st
8am - 11am
Laps for Peace
Bringing Awareness and Support for the abilities of brain injury through pedals of peace on paths of possibility. Join the inner peace journey of the adaptive cycle program for brain injury and walk pr wheel your laps for peace. This program offers those who have lost abilities to renew and find new ones. Cycling provides inner peace and hope for those affected. Brain injury does not discriminate, everyone is at risk and can be affected at any time.
Push Pedals for Peace on this day and join in or support this effort in one of three ways:
1. Walk Laps for Peace around the Park Path
2. Pedal for Peace on the Adaptive Cycle Path
3. Sponsor a rider/walker to create more laps for more.
Create Peace in every Pedal...
The Barkin Basin Dog Park and
Warren Bunker Family Park Trails
7321 W. Alexander Rd (@Tenaya)
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Peace Proceeds Provide for:
Nevada Brain Injury Advocate Training Program Development
Educations and Resources programs and activities
Bi-Monthly Support Group Meetings
Developing Brain Injury Identification Process
Listen to the stories of the Veterans and hear the stories of the everyday men and women who are greatly enhanced by the ability to ride through the Adaptive Cycle Program. The peace each develops internally that grows when abilities surface over disability returns purpose and provides peace of mind. The Laps for Peace increase what is possible for everyone who puts a pedal for peace in motion. This event helps more to discover this great program. Sponsor and fund a rider and watch what they do for themselves and for others. This is a program of peace in action, everyday heroes helping everyday heroes to grow, give and receive.
Sponsor a Rider • Sponsor a Walker • Make a Donation •. Make an Ongoing Pledge
Download our Flyer and Pass on the Peace

Nevada Brain Injury
Nevada Brain Injury is pleased to provide this opportunity to be a part of something that creates peace in so many ways. Where ability is present in creating a new life after brain injury, realizing it and connecting people with their own power and ability is the underlying current that connects the circuits of service for Nevada Brain Injury, a nonprofit organization serving Nevada to change what changes an individual, a family, and a community when brain injury occurs.
Awareness • Education • Programs • Advocacy • Resources & Research