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Be a part of the Peace Project and build your own peace model for the areas in your life where you would like to know more peace, radical forgiveness, compassion, grace and dignity. We will use the UN's model of Togetherness and develop a collaborative connection of support and resource to build internally and externally. 


100 days - focus of peace 
12 Weekly Experiences via phone or online connection
Collaborative connections with 

Mutually agreed connection times. 
More Information

Join our
100 Days of Peace Project 

Build Inner Peace Possibilities 


Kick Off Call
Noon CST 

Do It Yourself Peace 
The 1st 100 days

Join our
100 Days of Peace Project 

Build Inner Peace Possibilities 


100 Days of Peace

There are three opportunities to exercise 100 Days of Peace and when you dedicate yourself to explore what 100 days of peace can look like, you will be rewarded with an expansion.
Peace is more than the absence of conflict, it is a transmutable energy that is expansive, changeable and energetic. Beyond conflict, there is a better way. 

Experience it in three different ways:
January 1- April 10  Start your year off  - Do it yourself Peace
June 13 - Sept 21 100 Day Countdown Collective to Peace Day
Sept 22 - Dec 31  End your year Contribute to  peace

Share your Peace Activities and Messages on our
100 Days of Peace Facebook page


    Laps for Peace •. September 19, 2020



Make Peace

In our everyday there are things we resist that keep us from the peace we are designed to know. Simple peace comes when we make peace with what troubles us. Sometimes it is something big, just do one thing towards feeling less resistant to build your acceptance ability to grow into no resistance and you will find peace. 


Consider where we do not have peace with our word or integrity. Make peace with ourselves, our diet, our attitude, our relationship with money, our loved ones, our friends, our communities and those strangers that remind us of ourselves. Make peace with what we haven't done, what we don't know and who we are. 


There are many things we can find peace with. Just focus on one thing you can do and then share it. Add to our Facebook resources, images, ideas and news. Become a peace maker.

100 Days of Peace Facebook page


September 12-20, 2020

The Game of Compassion

Join us for 12 Days of Interpersonal Play. We are the Wellness & Swellness Team for the UN Global Unity Games of Compassion.  Our personally developed game engages the individual into aspects of compassion for themselves and for others.    Contact Lynda to join our private play

Visualize Peace

Leave 2020

even better than you found it

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