Welcome to the Wellness & Swellness Team
Sept 11-24
Join our Team & Play Daily
Mondays 8pm CST
Pass on the Peace with Playful Engagement!
2020 Compassion Games:
Survival of the Kindest
A United Nations Peace Initiative
In conjunction with International Peace Day on September 21st, the Compassion Games are a way for individuals, groups, and communities to engage in the peace initiative of kindness. Realized through play it becomes inspiring, creative and appreciative to those who play and those who are on the receiving end of the play!
This webpage is the home of the Wellness & Swellness Team who invite you to join us and play along. Togetherness is the theme of the 2017 Peace Day and through respect, safety and dignity for all, the kind of togetherness that makes humanity thrive is achieved. When we can realize compassion, we grow and we elevate the status of what we are and offer. That is the purpose of our play!
Whom might you become with
12 Days of Compassion?

Our Team's Theme
Embracing Compassion
Embracing is a way of appreciating, accepting and loving this beautiful gift of compassion for ourselves and then sharing it more wholly with others.
Let's Get Started!
1. Register Below
2. Daily Play register for access
3. Daily Forum register for access
4. Join our Weekly Call
Please Note:
You can sign up with the UN Compassionate Games sight and play individually or join a team and follow their theme if you like as well. Everyone wins when we find out fit.
Our Team Mission
Is specific to the simple art of learning, applying and becoming Compassion. Our philosophy is that we can have ideas about Compassion, and even use it, though to embrace it is to become it with frequency so that we adopt it in our way of life.
This team's greater purpose
Our mission is to allow each member to define it in a way that fits uniquely, practice it though daily activities and apply it in a contributive way no matter how small or large in the world. We are building a support system of communication on our team to keep the integral opportunity and understanding moving. If you like our message and feel the fit, register and join us. It is not to late to join!
This Game is Fee FREE
All are welcome • Any can play!
Once you have registered... bookmark and return daily to click & Play

Daily Activities
Each day log in to share
what you embraced.
Three ways to Share:
Realize it Personally
Share with Others
Community to Community
Embrace creativity...discover your own way!
We will compile our results and add our findings to the Compassion Map
Each day log in to discover a new activity and embrace the message.
Three ways to Embrace:
Realize it Personally
Share with Others
Community to Community
Play it your way!
Weekly Support
Dial into Weekly
Compassionate Connection
Sunday September 10th 7pm CST
Sunday September 17th at Noon CST
Sunday September 24th at Noon CST
(712) 832-8320
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