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Your expansion is world expansion

Contribution is a wonderful opportunity to find yourself a part of as it means that you have expanded and have something to offer that is meaningful and purposeful, which are the two life principles we are meant to discover... what we are capable of and how we want to share it.  

Let's have some fun with how we contribute! 

Change the World Challenge


When you laugh you become reflective about your perspective. 
It changes your directive and the way you are connective with everyone. 


The Change the World Challenge is all about making a difference that matters to you. We offer two challenges both of which, when completed, will offer you a new perspective on the possibilities life holds with more breath-ability, laughter infusion and an unconditioned enriched way to play effectively in life with joyful emotions.


You decide which level you wish to participate in as both are a challenge. Each is a way of shifting and changing your world from an existence to an evolution that includes the joy of living, loving and laughing because it feels good to do so. 


The second program is a fee based adventure of a laugh time. in 365 Days and Ways. It is designed for personal development, offers a gathering for kick off and closure to meet others on your team. You will laugh everyday and share your experience in different monthly themes with a quarterly goal. It is an investment into your own passion, purpose and possibility and is a wonderful way to know and grow your ho ho ho and make the world a happier place to be! 

  Challenge #1 

Move Your Mirth
for a more Joyful Earth

Move your Mirth
Laugh every day of the year beginning January 1 for 20 minutes. 

Join our daily call
Begins  -  1/1/19
More Info

 Challenge #1 is a personal commitment and a practice to keep every single day of the year. If you want to see change happen, begin laughing daily.  You will change yourself and the way you look at everyone and everything in the process.... it is your joy journey! 


You will join in a Zoom Call online or dial into a Telephone Call daily. The call will last 30 minutes, 20 minutes for laughter and 10 minutes before and after for helpful suggestions at the beginning and any questions or comments at the end. 


This program is open to everyone. It is donation based where all proceeds provide presence for our programs. We like to have fun with our funds so we have established a few different ways to donate with time, money and sharing. There is a way for everyone to benefit! 


Register by December 15, 2018

Your Daily Joy Commitment   l    A Way to Contribute / Donate   l.    Monthly Focus Ideas.    l    Laughing Liaisons    l    Registration

  Challenge #2 

The Happiness of Humanity

Humanity's Happiness

Register for this deeply meaningful year long laugh of a life time event and become immersed in your personal purposeful positive progress!  It is a magical year of loving and laughing with the world. It's the most joyful way to learn about yourself and your world! 

 • Special monthly themes.
 • Monthly support projects 
 • Quarterly gatherings
 • Daily laughter

 Challenge #2 is a great way to spread the joy to others and feel the fantastic results yourself... givers gain and gigglers gain more!


You cannot play this game alone and you cannot pay for it yourself. This year long wonder initiative is fee based though it requires your growth and development from the beginning and sails into the year of playing with your potential in a great and grand way! 


It is a program that offers you a daily experience, a weekly connection, a quarterly in person gathering with a kick off in January and a closure in December. It is a way to develop your 2020 by being on purpose in 2019 in a positive journey of discovering the joyful soul you were meant to be. 


The monthly possibilities are joyful projects to share with your sponsor and in this way you spread the joy by receiving and then giving! 

Register by December 1, 2018.       Program Begins  -  1/1/19.      More Info

Your Daily Joy Commitment    l    Find a Sponsor   l   Monthly Possibilities   l    Quarterly Gatherings   l    Registration

Our Sage and Savvy three step solution for world wellness and swellness 
First take care of you  •.   Then take care of others.  •   Then add your contribution to the world.  • . Neve Stop Learning

Begin your Joyful Journey

We were Designed with Joy in Mind

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